You only have 150 characters. Make all of them count!

Easily write a compelling bio for Instagram to attract new followers that are your ideal home buyer or seller.

Download My "Instagram Bio Template" for REALTORS

"I'm personally committed to delivering high-quality real estate marketing content!" - Heather Colby, Founder of Ideas for Real Estate

What's Included?

  • A downloadable PDF template with examples and prompts to create your own Instagram bio
  • An "Instagram Bio breakdown" with tips on how to leverage your bio as a REALTOR to attract more buyers & sellers
  • Three template options with examples that you can fill in to create your own impactful bio
  • Templates included: "The Foundation," "The Branded Agent," and the "Niche Marketing Approach."

Hi there!
I’m Heather Colby

A professional Real Estate marketer who is crazy passionate about sharing marketing & social media tips for Realtors.

Take a listen to my five-star rated podcast "Ideas for Real Estate" for the latest ideas and tested techniques for success in Real Estate.

Listen to the Podcast

Download My Instagram Bio Template for Realtors